What is the difference between legal information and legal advice?

What is the difference between legal information and legal advice?

Legal information describes the law and the legal system. This information does not address a particular case.

Legal advice applies the law to a situation. This includes case law and statutes. It makes recommendations regarding the best course for the case, and the individual’s goals.

This tip sheet discusses the main differences in legal information and legal advise.

Legal Information

Definitions in law: What does the word mean?

Matrimonial Property Actions are civil claims to split property from a marriage between divorcing partners.

  • Procedural definitions such as who is in court and the steps taken
  • There are many reasons that you or the other party might want to abort your application. Some of these reasons are:
  • How to locate the legislation, court cases and court rules. There are also other online and printed resources and workshops that can help you understand the law.
  • This booklet contains the guidelines for child maintenance.
  • Examples of court forms and instructions, including information about whether the necessary sections have been completed.
  • I have indicated the areas where you have not filled in the necessary information on this form.

Descriptions of other alternatives to court, such as mediation

It might be worth considering working with a mediator. Mediators use an informal, confidential, structured process to resolve disputes. This allows both parties to have input into the final solution. Learn more at…

Legal Advice

Legal interpretations: What the statutes and case laws mean in a case?

As we review your assets, I will be able to explain which assets are matrimonial and which are not.

  • Procedural recommendations such as which type or level of court to use and what type of request to make
  • If you are going to court again, ask for an adjournment.
  • The law is applied to the facts of a particular situation by researching legislation, court rules, and cases
  • There are many cases to support your claim for $X in damages for personal injury.
  • Notifying you to fill out forms or asking you to complete forms, e.g. Specific persons against whom to file pleadings, types of damages to seek, or people against whom to fill out forms
  • This section will be used to ask for…
  • Recommendations regarding whether or not you should bring your case to court.
  • Let’s start with mediation. It may be faster and more cost-effective than traditional methods to solve your problem.
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General referrals

If you’re eligible, a legal clinic could offer free advice. You can find a list here of clinics you can contact to get advice.

  • You have options to deal with the problem
  • There are four ways to deal with it. You have the option of choosing one.
  • Explanations on court etiquette. The order in which parties may speak in court.
  • If it is your turn, you can summarize your court documents and present your arguments.
  • This can be done by many people including lawyers
  • I am a clerk in the court system. I am a library technician. I work at the Office of the Public Guardian.

Refer to specific sources

I would recommend you meet with Mr. Bean to organize your financial documents before we proceed.

Opinions on the best course of action. Predictions of the outcome of a case.

  • I’d say you have a great case.
  • Guidance regarding what to say in court, or at a hearing; speaking with a judge on behalf of you
  • Today, we’ll discuss the possible questions you might be asked during a trial.
  • This can only be done by a lawyer, or in some jurisdictions, paralegals or advocates who are specially trained.
  • I am John Doe, LLB.

Both information and advice can be useful. Sometimes you don’t need advice. Sometimes, all you need is information. And sometimes that information can help determine if you require advice.

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